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Give it up for the Cow!

Give it up for the Cow!
Cheese Boss 101 - The Cow 🐄
Periodically, I’ll be sharing my cheese knowledge with you! I hope you have as much fun learning about cheese as I do!
When I was a child, my grandfather was a cattle farmer. I have fond memories about spending time on the farm and hanging out with cows. I would run to the barn, climb up the fence and reach my hand out to see if they would come and say “hi”. After doing research, I’ve learned that this greeting best mimics the way cows greet each other. Who knew! 
Cow’s milk is a type of milk that produces cheese. Since cows produce the largest quantities of milk of all animals (350,000 glasses in a lifetime), you will find the greatest range of cheese styles from the cow.
Our signature Brie is from the Cow, so is cheddar and many other favorites.
Next time you see a cow reach your hand towards its nose and say hi! If it licks you, you’ve made a new best friend.
Dawn, The Cheese Boss

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